Welcome to a special edition of our newsletter, bringing you details of what is effectively “part two” of our investigations into the performance characteristics of BMC’s latest release of its Remedy ITSM system, version 9.
Read on to find out more about these tests and about our forthcoming Scapa TPP for Remedy demonstration video.
New Blog – “BMC Software use Scapa TPP to verify Remedy ITSM 9 tuning parameters“
In a previous blog post (entitled “Benchmarking BMC Remedy ITSM version 9.0 with Scapa TPP ”) we reported on some initial findings of tests undertaken by ourselves and our partners at Alderstone Consulting , on the relative end user performance of ITSM v9.0 compared to ITSM v7.6.04 and ITSM v8.1 while under load.
Since that report, we have been working with the BMC performance testing team to further explore the performance characteristics of ITSM v9.0.
We are very pleased to report that the team at BMC was very cooperative in this and we feel our collaboration on these tests has provided some valuable insights which we hope will be of use to BMC Remedy ITSM users and to the wider community. The results of the tests are available in our latest blog post . As a taster, the initial findings were very similar to those recorded in the initial report and they allowed BMC to identify some configuration improvements to the “out of the box” settings.
We would be really interested to hear about your experiences of using BMC Remedy ITSM, and version 9.0 in particular. Please contact us to find out how we can help ensure your installation of any version of BMC Remedy ITSM meets your performance needs.
Scapa TPP Demonstration Videos – coming soon!
Keep checking out the home page on our website in the next few weeks for a new short video demonstration of our simple, three step Remedy ITSM testing capabilities. We plan also to release similar demonstration videos of our our products for Virtual Desktop and Thin Client Infrastructures, PeopleSoft applications etc. Look out for these too!
Viva Las Vegas!
We would also just like to say thank you to everyone who came along to see us at the BMC IT Engage event in Las Vegas in September this year. We spoke with a great many BMC Remedy ITSM users about their system issues and how our testing methodology and software could help them take steps to resolve these issues and generally improve their system performance. We hope we can stay in touch with you all!
Please get in touch to let us know what you think of our BMC Remedy ITSM v9.0 project findings and our new Scapa TPP for Remedy product demonstration video.
There are lots of ways of keeping in touch with us. You can ‘like’ and write on our Facebook page . Or, follow us on Linked In . We also have a Twitter account. As well as all that, our website also has an email form and phone numbers, so please keep in touch and send us your queries and your stories!
The BMC Communities forum has some specific Remedy testing information about Scapa TPP, so please check us out on there too!