• The end to end infrastructure and application delivery performance specialists |

BMC Software use Scapa TPP to verify Remedy 9 tuning parameters

Remedy ITSM v9 Performance revisited In a previous blog post we reported on some initial findings on the relative end user performance of ITSM v9.0 compared to ITSM v7.6.04 and ITSM v8.1 while under load.   Since that report we have been working with our partners Alderstone and the BMC performance testing team to further explore […]

Remedy Demo Video

We created a quick demo showing how easily our Capture Process Go method can create complex load and performance tests against BMC Remedy. We’ve recently done some interesting work with Remedy 9.0, please get in touch if you’d like to hear more.

Benchmarking BMC Remedy ITSM version 9.0 with Scapa TPP

Benchmarking BMC Remedy ITSM version 9.0 with Scapa TPP

Although the latest release of BMC Software’s Remedy ITSM platform – version 9.0 – contains no major new features, it has been re-engineered from a C-based into a Java-based application. The significance of this change will, doubtless, be to facilitate future development of this business-critical system.   Scapa Technologies has a vast amount of experience […]

Scapa News – Scapa TPP for PeopleSoft Applications

It’s been a while since our last newsletter, but we’ve not been resting on our laurels. In fact, as mentioned in our last news update, we’ve been devoting our time to delivering connectivity between Scapa TPP and PeopleSoft applications to customers. This connectivity is available now and this newsletter includes links to a new case […]

Scapa TPP for PeopleSoft Applications

Scapa TPP for PeopleSoft Applications

It’s been a while since our last newsletter, but we’ve not been resting on our laurels. In fact, as mentioned in our last news update, we’ve been devoting our time to delivering connectivity between Scapa TPP and PeopleSoft applications to customers. This connectivity is available now and this newsletter includes links to a new case […]